![]() Third National Flag of the Confederate States of America |
![]() P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland |
![]() National Jack of the Confederate States Navy |
CSS Dixieland
Probing the depths of knowledge
These essays by P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland, cover a wide range of
historical, philosophical, scientifical and technical subjects. Each page
deals with a particular topic, divided into sections and explained by itself.
Every page shows at its top hyper links to every other page. The Start page
also has short descriptions of the other pages. CSS Dixieland expresses
gratitude to the readers that make this work meaningful.
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Photography page
Technical knowledge on how to record unusual images for posterity
Sections in this page
Astronomic Photography
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encodings may render some characters inaccurately, but hopefully, it will still
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Astronomic Photography
The informations and resources given in this page will be the enjoyment of
serious photographers with an inclination for the technical aspects of their
activity. The photographs offered in some of the hyper links collected here
will be the enjoyment of many persons, whether photographers or not. In
whatever group the reader might be, he may wish to mark this page for coming
back to it from time to time.
Hubble Space Telescope
Fourmi Laboratory
Calculators for Photography
Due to the technical complexity of our essays, we provide here some
interesting mathematical calculators that will certainly be of help and
perhaps of amusement to the reader.
General mathematical calculator
Arithmetical and trigonometrical calculator with an output of twenty ciphers.
It requires a user agent capable of executing Java Script and with it enabled.
Its programme has been engineered by Mister Kenny Aral:
OggyK22 AT mail DOT com
The string "AT" must be substituted by the character "@" and the string "DOT"
by the character "." without surrounding spaces and in single horizontal line.
This is to thwart automatic harvesting of links (often for spamming purposes).
Provided by the Java Script Source:
The Java Script Source
Advanced mathematical calculator
An exhaustive scientific calculator engineered by Mister Don Benish can be
found at Mega Converter:
Mega Converter
The Π Pi number
The π Pi number is probably an irrational, an infinite. For most
applications its value may be taken as:
3.14 159 265 358 979 323 846 264 338 327 950 288 419 716 939 937 510
582 097 494 459 230 781 640...
...and so on ad infinitum.
Depth of field calculator
Based on a confusion circle of about 30 micrometres for the 135 format (35
millimetres). It requires a user agent capable of executing Java Script and
with it enabled. Its programme has been engineered by Mister Alistair
alistair AT silverlight DOT co DOT uk
The string "AT" must be substituted by the character "@" and the string "DOT"
by the character "." without surrounding spaces and in single horizontal line.
This is to thwart automatic harvesting of links (often for spamming purposes).
Provided by the Java Script Source, hyper link given above.
Technical calculators for Photography
Here is a list of documents where calculators for all technical aspects of
Photography can be found: movement blur, light intensity, film sensitivity,
relative opening, exposure time, optical systems design, or Stenopeic
(Pin Hole) Photography.
Martin Dale Center
Mr Pinhole
Stenopeic Photography
Pin Hole Photography
The simplest of all photographic cameras is made of just a box, perfectly
light-proof, with a tiny hole through which light can enter and hit the photo
sensitive emulsion. Only the hole is enough for forming the inverted image,
lens or mirror is not necessary. The Greek name for the hole is "stenopos",
and hence the technical name for this technique: Stenopeic Photography. It is
also known as "Pin Hole Photography", because the hole is often made using a
pin or a needle.
For strict stenopeic work, the diameter of the hole must be calculated
according to two factors:
-Focal length of the camera
-Average wave length of the light that will mainly be used for photographing
It means that Stenopeic Photography working, for instance, in the infra-red
or in the ultra-magenta part of the spectrum, require different diameters of
the stenopo than working in the visual part. In a vacuum the stenopo could in
theory be as small as the wave length of the light, but if using the camera
in a diffracting medium like air or water, then there is a minimum diameter
for preventing the phenomenon of diffraction reaching an extent that would
seriously damage image formation.
In the case of photographing in the atmosphere at or near sea level, then the
minimum practical diameter has to be of about two millimetres. In the case of
photographing under water the minimum diameter has to be bigger. And in the
case of photographing at high altitudes in the atmosphere, then it can be
smaller than at sea level. There is no maximum diameter, the maximum will
only be limited by focal length and by wave length, as it has been said.
The oldest known mention of the phenomenon on which Stenopeic Photography is
based, was an observation made by the Greek philosopher Aristotle in the IV
century before Jesus Christ. Aristotle wrote that a ray of sun light passing
through interstices in the leaves of a tree, projected a circular or nearly
circular disc of light on the ground, even though the form of the interstices
might not be circular. In the XV century the Italian sage Leonardo da Vinci
also wrote some remarks about observing inside the dark room of a house the
inverted shadows of passing pedestrians, with light that entered through a
fence in the blind or the window panes, and projected on the opposite wall.
It is clear that many other people must have observed those phenomena, but
they did not write about them. The English scientist Sir Francis Bacon made
some experimenting with a darkened room that had a tiny hole in one of the
walls, and formed on the opposite wall and inverted image of the strongly sun
lit landscape outside. The first camera known to have been built for this
purpose was made in the XVII century by the Italian inventor Giovanni della
Porta, with the aim of aiding draughtsmen and painters in the making of
drafts, before starting their main illustration works.
Stenopeic Photography was theoretically known to the earliest photographers,
but it was not a practical proposal for most of the XIX century, because the
slow emulsions of that time forced to work with prohibitively long exposures.
Even so, Colson made in 1891 the first calculations about the optimal diameter
of the stenopo. He considered focal length but he did not consider wave length
of light, because panchromatic emulsions had not been invented yet, and
orthochromatic emulsions, although already invented, were still rare.
Stenopeic Photography knew an important advance with the introduction of
faster emulsions, gradually during the XX century. Good stenopeic photographs
were made by the Italian photographer Speri della Chiesa in the 1920's,
therefore we may think of those years as the definitive consolidation of this
photographic technique. However, wave length began to be seriously considered
only when Photography began to work with infra-red emulsions, in the 1930's,
but restricted to scientific or military use. Infra-red Photography was not
available for most photographers until the 1950's. It is not available even
today, in backward countries.
Stenopeic Photography presents the following distinct advantages:
The images are free of any deformation.
The perspective is the most perfect that can be obtained.
The depth of field is at its maximum: all planes are in focus. This may not
be desirable in Monoscopy, because the effect of depth given by planes
slightly out of focus strongly enhances the main plane, but in Stereoscopy it
is an advantage to have a good depth of field.
Stenopeic Photography, however, also has the following serious disadvantages:
For preserving the total absence of deformation and the perfect perspective
that only a stenopeic camera can offer, all points in the emulsion should in
theory be at the same distance from the stenopo. This means that the film or
plate should ideally have the form of the inner face of a sphere, with the
stenopo centred in front of it at the distance corresponding to the focal
length. However, in practice it is enough to use film that could be curved in
front of the stenopo, forming the inside of a cylinder rather than forming
the inside of a sphere. For this reason the camera bodies used for Stenopeic
Photography are often those of panoramic cameras, because they are already
built with a half circular back, inside of which the film is put for exposure.
The very small relative opening of a stenopeic camera forces to tremendously
long exposure times, in which the reciprocity failure (Schwartzschild Effect)
must be taken into account. Of course, the camera must be immobilised on a
tripod or some other secure support.
The phenomenon of diffraction forces to work with a mininum diameter of the
stenopo, and because that diameter must be in proportion to the focal length
for a given average wave length, then it forces to enormously long cameras.
Tubes of one or two metres, or even of several metres in length, are not at
all uncommon for serious Stenopeic Photography. For amateurs, however, much
shorter cameras may offer acceptable results, with stenopo diameters of as
little as 200 micrometres, but in normal circumstances these small diameters
will provoke diffraction of light.
The resolution in any optical system (the discrimination as distinct of lines
that appear very close together) is the inverse of the depth of field. This
means that Stenopeic Photography, having as it has a maximum of depth of
field, by needs has also a minimum of optical resolution. Therefore the
grain of the emulsion can be relatively disconsidered, and thus faster (more
sensitive) emulsions are usually preferable. This is good, because even with
fast emulsions the exposure time is always long. The Pin Hole photographer
must be armed with a good dose of patience.
Fresnel Zone Plates
A derivation of Stenopeic Photography is the Photography made by the use of
Fresnel Zone Plates. Those plates consist of alternating transparent and
opaque rings, with thickness decreasing in integral proportion from the
central ring to the peripherical one. The plates themselves are often made by
photographic processes, and afterwards they are used in place of what in a
true stenopeic camera would be the stenopo or 'pin hole'. In certain aspects,
Fresnel Zone Plates are a half way between stenopo cameras that use pin holes,
and refracto cameras that use lenses or reflexo cameras that use mirrors. The
first document listed below is specific on Fresnel Zone Plates. The other
documents deal with Stenopeic Photography in general. See also the hyper link
to calculators for Stenopeic Photography, listed in the section on calculators,
Hyper links on Stenopeic Photography
Unblinking Eye
Some useful formulas
Of the plenty of formulas that can be used for many aspects of photographic
work, a few are presented here for calculating exposure. This is extremely
important for photographers such as P. A. Stonemann, CSS Dixieland, who never
use a light meter (a photo meter). Instead, Mister Stonemann mentally performs
all the necessary calculations, and he manually adjusts the camera controls
accordingly. Of course, experience is necessary for determining intensity of
light by the naked eye, but otherwise the mental-manual method is faultless.
ASA is a measure of the general photo-sensitivity of emulsions (as opposed to
the chromatic photo-sensitivity). ASA was initially specified by the American
Standards Association (hence the name), and many years later it was approved
by the International Standards Organisation (since then, ASA is also called
ISO). Other measures for general photo-sensitivity exist or have existed in
the History of Photography, such as DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm), but ASA-ISO
is today the most common in most countries. A typical emulsion of the early
XXI century has from 100 ASA-ISO, or 21 DIN, to 400 ASA-ISO, or 27 DIN.
Emulsions tended to be less sensitive in the past. Increasing sensitivity
also tends to increase grain size, resulting in images with poor definition.
Lux is a measure of intensity of light, derived from the units candle, lumen,
square metre and second, of the Systeme International d'Unites, or Decimal
Metric System. Photographers who cannot estimate light intensity by the naked
eye, may use a luximeter for exact values, or may use a posographic table (a
list of typical light conditions and their approximate values).
Second is the unit of time of the Systeme International d'Unites, or Decimal
Metric System. Using some kind of chronometer is advisable for long exposures.
"Opening" or "f/opening" is the result of dividing the focal length of the
camera among the diameter of the opening hole (the diaphragm, or another
device for controlling the amount of light that enters the camera).
For instance, in a camera with 50 millimetres of focal length and an opening
hole of also 50 millimetres, then the f/opening is:
With focal length of 50 millimetres and opening hole of 12.5 millimetres,
then the f/opening is:
The main exposure formulae are four, closely inter-related:
ASA = ((opening^2) x 200) / (lux x second)
The expression "^2" means "raised to the power of two", and the expression
"v2" means "extracted to the root of two". For example, four raised to the
power of two equals sixteen: 4^2 = 16, and its inverse operation is sixteen
extracted to the root of two, which equals four: 16 v2 = 4
Example: we are using a film of 100 ASA, photographing under full Sun light,
and we wish to adjust the opening to f 4 (for obtaining a certain depth of
field). How much time of exposure should we give to the film ?
Difficult ? For those who are not used to mathematical calculations it is
probably difficult. Then try another approach, less exact but much simpler.
It is the "Thumb-rule of opening f 18", which declares that:
Under full Sun Light, using an opening of f 18, the exposure in fraction of
a second is approximately equal to the ASA of the film.
Applying the formula only for demonstration, if we use an opening of f 18:
But we are using an opening f 4, not an opening f 18. Then we perform a very
simple mental calculation, counting the number of steps from f 18 to f 4:
Thus we have arrived by a simpler, though also less exact method, to the same
result that we had obtained by the more complex formulas above. The good
thing is that we do not depend on light meters, either inserted in the camera
or hand-held. Light meters that generate their own current (such as selenium
light meters) usually do not give trouble, but the more sensitive modern
light meters based on conductivity, which need a source of electric current,
are more prone to misfunctions. At least for calm work, with plenty of time
ahead, photographers should be able to work without need of any light meters.
Hyper links on Photography
History of Photography
Azus Web Works
Legal or other advice to Photographers
Photo Stuff
Emulsions made of other chemical compounds
Alternative Photography
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The graphic memory from the past to the future
Walkyrie who takes our dead heroes to Walhalla in Asgard.
Wagner Frost Illustration
Calculators for Photography
Stenopeic Photography
Some useful formulas
Hyper links on Photography
The most impressive photographs ever made from outer space
The Earth seen from an orbital satellite
Resources for Web Masters
One of the most complete and complex calculators in the Internet
Resources for Photography
A diversity of useful photographic calculators
Camera calculators, and many other resources
Calculators specifically for Stenopeic Photography
Fresnel Zone Plates
Stenopeic Photography
50 / 50 = 1
Usually expressed as f 1. It means that the emulsion receives as much amount
of light as there is light outside the camera. That is an example for making
the concept clear, because only a few scientific cameras using mirrors can
reach an f/opening of f 1 (or even surpass it, as much as f 0.7), most
cameras of high quality begin at f 1.2 or so.
50 / 12.5 = 4
Usually expressed as f 4. The emulsion receives a fourth part of the light
that exists outside the camera. It stands to reason that exposure time must
be four-folded, for having on the photo-sensitive emulsion the effect that
had had the first example above, other factors being equal (in fact, other
factors are not equal, due to reciprocity failure and other technicalities).
Lux = ((opening^2) x 200) / (asa x second)
Second = ((opening^2) x 200) / (lux x asa)
Opening = ((asa x lux x second) / 200) v2
The expression "x" means "multiply" and the expression "/" means "divide".
By posograph or naked eye we estimate full Sun light as about 60 000 Lux.
((opening^2) x 200) / (lux x asa) = Second
Opening f 4^2 = 16
16 x 200 = 3 200
60 000 Lux x 100 ASA = 6 000 000
3200 / 6 000 000 = 0.000 533 333... Second
A tiny fraction of a second. We discover it by 1 / 0.000 533 333 = 1875
The result is 1/1875 of a second. By approximation we adjust the shutter of
the camera to 1/2000 of a second (half of a thousandth of a second).
((opening^2) x 200) / (lux x asa) = Second
Opening f 18^2 = 324
324 x 200 = 64 800
60 000 Lux x 100 ASA = 6 000 000
64 800 / 6 000 000 = 0.010 8 Second
A fraction of a second. We know how much by 1 / 0.010 8 = 92.592...
Result almost 1/93 of a second. By approximation we adjust the shutter of
the camera to 1/100 of a second (a hundredth of a second). So under full Sun
light, for an opening f 18, our shutter to 100 because our film is of 100 ASA.
Opening f 18, shutter 100
Opening f 16 is a litle bigger, so the shutter should work a little faster:
Opening f 16, shutter 125
Opening f 11 allows double light than f 16, so shutter to double speed:
Opening f 11, shutter 250
We continue the process until we reach f 4:
Opening f 8, shutter 500
Opening f 5.7 (shown as 5.6 in some cameras), shutter 1000
Opening f 4, shutter 2000
History of Photography and its diverse techniques
Full legal information on copy-right
Technical information for silver iodide, chloride, bromide or fluoride
Technical information for methods that do not use silver hallides